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Russia to keep winning, West understands no other language — Lavrov

MOSCOW, September 25. /TASS/. Russia will win the conflict unleashed by the West by proxy of Ukraine because Western countries understand no other language, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with TASS on the eve of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly.
“The victory is needed. They do not understand any other language. This victory will be ours, we have no doubt. We have become truly united in the face of the war that the West unleashed against us by proxy of Ukraine,” Lavrov said.
The situation in Ukraine and the Gaza Strip merely confirms that the US as a “problem solver” only exacerbates conflicts across the world, Lavrov said.
“Wherever the West is getting involved as the main ‘fix-it man,’ pardon my slang, a crisis situation ensued, everything was getting much worse: hundreds of thousands of victims, devastation, socio-economic problems. There is not a single instance over the course of my active work on the international stage when the West’s interference resulted in anything positive. And now we are observing the similar situation with Ukraine and with the Palestinian-Israeli standoff,” the top Russian diplomat stressed.
The UN leadership prefers not to mention the Ukrainian incursion into Russia’s borderline Kursk Region where the Kiev regime is attacking civilians with Western weapons, Russian Foreign Minister said.
“Now, with terrorist groups attacking the Kursk Region with modern Western weapons – residential blocks are simply being shelled there on a daily basis, houses, social facilities, civilians driving to safer locations. I have not heard anything from UN representatives in charge of human rights, including, of course, the secretary general,” Lavrov noted.
Accroding to Lavrov, Eastern European countries must understand that their “masters” in NATO and the European Union do not trust them.
“Eastern European countries currently under the wing of NATO and the EU must realize their handlers’ attitude. They are not being trusted. They won’t be let anywhere near any significant international appointments,” he said.
Many countries, having realized the West’s unreliability, are trying to reduce their dependency on the dollar, Minister noted.
“I remember perfectly well how in the 90s, US emissaries at the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank were repeating like a mantra not to be afraid of the dollar. The dollar is not the weapon of the United States. The dollar is a universal treasure, it is the blood system of the global economy, interdependency and so on. Where is all of this now? Now they are either running away from the dollar or those who got too deeply involved in that system are trying to gradually reduce their dependency,” the top Russian diplomat said.
The West switched from dialogue to microphone diplomacy at the UN Security Council a long time ago, glorifying and whitewashing the Kiev regime’s crimes, Lavrov said.
“The West has shifted to microphone diplomacy,” the top Russian diplomat noted. “It’s a must for it both in the Security Council and in other bodies to Ukrainize the agenda, to glorify Zelensky as the carrier of democratic, global values, and to whitewash the Nazi approaches of this regime, all of its crimes,” Lavrov said.
According to diplomat, the United Nations Secretariat led by the secretary general must remain neutral on all issues, observing the relevant provision of the UN Charter.
As he noted, previous officials in this office greatly contributed to the shaping of traditions in the activities of the UN Secretariat and relations between this body and UN member states.
Moscow will support the legitimate aspiration of India, Brazil and one of African countries to join the UN Security Council as permanent members, Lavrov said.
“Developing countries are under-represented in the Security Council, so, as we have always been saying, we support India and Brazil’s interest and legitimate aspiration to be included in the Security Council,” the top Russian diplomat said. “However, it is also necessary to satisfy African hopes. There are shared collective positions in Africa which we respect,” he noted.
The UN Security Council does not need to be expanded by providing permanent status to Germany and Japan, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said.
“Our stance is very simple: the Security Council does not need any additional members from the Western group, from among NATO and EU members or their allies, such as Japan,” he noted. “Additional Western players joining the Security Council, in this case, those who are dying to get in, such as Germany and Japan, will simply expand and bolster injustice,” the top Russian diplomat explained.
A number of countries want to artificially speed up the reform of the UN Security Council while Moscow and Beijing will not let this process turn into “dangerous games,” Foreign Minister said.
He noted that some countries want to put the issue of the UNSC reform to a vote at the UN General Assembly as soon as possible. According to Lavrov, Russia and China want to achieve a general consensus instead of splitting the UN apart.
